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Wish I could tell you is not my sentence that I wanted to tell someone ,this is the sentence related to a book title ,actually its the name of a novel which one became best seller instantly as soon as its released in the market ,specially in India.I was stunned when I knew that  this book named WISH I COULD TELL YOU  has been selling like hot cake in the market of India.Most of the Indians does not likes to read books ,but this book proved that its wrong imagination that most of the Indians does likes books reading.

Once I was browsing youtube and suddenly I had decided to browse about the latest best selling book 
and I found the information by the videos which were uploaded by someone where its shows that the writer of the book named DURJOY DUTTA was attended a meeting which wa held in a book fair in Assam(an Indian state),lots of young boys and girls were forming que to get autograph from the writer ,and I had decided to buy the book for review and ultimately this book is appeared in front of all of you for review.
I have started to read the book and what is my imagination of this book is that the story of the book is related to a boy belong to a middle class family .For the first time I read a name which is Crowd Funded company,for the first time I heard the crowd funded sectors ,it is a sector where some companies are established and got the title as Crowd Funded Company who raise funds online to help poor people for the assistance of medical treatment ,for achieving higher education ,raising funds for the development of cultures and traditions and most of the Crowd Funded  Companies are infamous for its fradulent activities which leads the company officials to live a lavish lifestyle.Some such kind of companies better knows how to earn money by its tricks from crowd funding and how to suck an amount of money from crowd funding before the fund donate to the particular needy person.Crowd funded companies have its own staff to perform various activities to impress crowd for funding to some needy one .The author of this novel named WISH I COULD TELL YOU truely portrayed the scene about such kind of Crowd Funded Companies.Durjoy Datta  the author depicted about some the adverse impact in India in someone's life,he portrayed a character named Amit Modi whose career was destroyed by social media.The author of the novel also introduced a story of generation gap ,where he wanted to show the attitudes of new generation which created conflicts with the old generation and the name of the  character portrayed in the novel is the mother of the young girl named Mohini and the lover of her daughter named Ananth khatri ,Its quite interesting to read.This is the book which was written about the human lifestyles in India in 21st century ,this book portrayed the struggles of the young generation of India ,struggles of young generation of India to fulfill their dreams by controlling emotions ,by balancing the personal and professional life.All the characters of this novel is portrayed skilfully ,and the activities of these characters of the novel enthralled its readers and creates curiosity .
At last I think it's a worthy book or novel to be read and therefore this novel instantly become a best seller book .This book is published by PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE ,INDIA.

the name of the book 


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