Human Trafficking is a serious subject which is related to crime against emotions, against believe, against relationship and also against livelihood.
Most of the people lost faith to each other because of human traffickers.Its a serious crime and all the civilized people of societies should know about it. Innocent people are suffering by the hand of human traffickers in the name of forced labour, women's are compelling by the human traffickers to indulge in illicit sexual activities.There are various factors which are responsible as the causes for human trafficking.
A book is written by Stephanie Hepburn and Rita J.Simon regarding the heinous crime named "Human Trafficking: Hidden In Plain Sight"
The writer wrote"the term human trafficking triggers preconceived notions .Sex trafficking received more coverage in media than forced labour " .The writers of the book written about some numerical data regarding forced labour trafficking, sex trafficking and about various kinds of human trafficking.The two main subjects which are discussed in the book are "trafficking for forced labour" and "trafficking for sexual exploitation".The another categories like Organ trafficking and and Muti murders are also discussed in the book.Child sexual tourism, adoption and marriage for sexual purpose is also examined in the book.The writers of the book written about the methods of human traffickers which are used by them as tools to trap any persons .This book is very helpful to the readers about to be aware against human trafficking.
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